Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Brand New Start

Hello 2012!  Welcome! 

To preface this first post, I would like to explain that in the year 2012, I have 12 goals/resolutions for myself.  Why 12?  Well, there's 12 months in a year, 12 is the abbreviation for the year, and I made a collage of these goals on, and had to have 12 pictures to go around the 13th center title photo.  There really is no rhyme or reason to it.  :-)  Anyway, without further adieu, those goals were: (Obviously not personal ones!)

1. Be more of a morning person.
2. Go on at least 6 adventures this year.
3.  Volunteer 15 hours of your time each month.
4.  Try 3 New Recipes each month.
5.  Send REAL birthday cards.
6.  Make a new fitness goal each month.
7.  Read 25 books this year. 
8.  Blog your thoughts once a week!
9. Try something new each month.
10.  Make it a point to catch up with those who matter.
11. Attend a church you love 3 times per month.
12.  Save $700 per month.

Obviously, I'm getting started on goal number 8.  Granted, I'm hoping once a week is not too lofty of a goal.  And obviously, I would love to be writing more than once a week, but I'm not a natual born blogger like my good friend Ashley... (Her AMAZING blog can be found here: A Recipe for Sanity) Either way, I am hoping this year to share my thoughts, goals, recipes, and all of the other lovely things that a blogger should share. 

Now, onto the contents of my first post.  I saw something on pinterest the other day that became my inspiration to write.  I had thought a lot about what I would blog about this week and realized it was all too soon and too fresh and too personal to put it right out there. 

It was a bound journal book, and on the cover, it had "Peaks, Pits, Praises, and Prayers".  The concept was to write the peak of your day, the pit of your day in a non-complainative way, but with a small bit of hopeful insight, Praises to God (or to whomever) for the blessings you're thankful for, and a Prayer for tomorrow.  While at some point, I may make this journal for me and try to keep up with it through the year, I thought, what a great way to start your blog. 

Thus, my PEAK for this week:  Not texting someone, despite how incredibly much I wanted to.  It was extremely difficult at times because I'm still left lost and confused on how everything happened.  But I stood my ground.  I feel stronger for it.

My PIT for the week:  Not exercising enough.  I haven't been feeding my body well and consequently have been drained of energy.  But my English Muffin toasted with Cream Cheese and Pumpkin butter this morning marks the end of habitual bad eating habits for the month of January and the start of Cleaner Eating!  In fact, I'm going to force myself out for a short jog as soon as I finish this post!

My PRAISE for the week would be to Thank God for the strength he had given me to get over this breakup and to not fall back into the endless traps I had worried about.  Although I don't understand it, I can tell that there was a bigger reason to it.  And I'm so thankful for that. 

Finally, my PRAYER this week is for my mother and uncles.  I pray that my Grandmother's house sells soon -- preferably within the next week.  It has been a rough couple of month and we now need to be able to move on with life. 

So that's it.  Sorry if this blog wasn't what you expected out of me.  :-P  This year my resolutions are more about ME anyway -- 2012 is the year of self-improvement.  I cannot wait to see what's in store!

<3 K

1 comment:

  1. You are so sweet to mention me and my blog! I'm so excited that you are blogging again. I can't wait to read more of your posts. :)
