Sunday, January 29, 2012

Month End Reports...

I cannot believe we are done with January.  I know that my post last week was similar to this, but it just blows my mind how quickly the past month has gone by.  I feel as though my 2012 goals have not truly been achieved, but thankfully, I have another 11 months to improve on them.  And isn't life about a constant improvement/learning experience anyway?

So let's see.... The Month in Summary.  A list of accomplishments:

-- Was offered a new job.
-- Read 1 book.
-- Attended church 1 weekend this month.
-- Planned upcoming races and booked at least 1 of my six adventures. 
-- Successfully mailed the two birthday cards that mattered!
-- I blogged 4 times this month.  Not exactly once a week, but for a non-blogger who doesn't usually keep up with that sort of thing, definitely an accomplishment.
-- I've spent more time catching up with the people who are important.  Although, I still have work to go, I've definitely made a little more time. 

Big goals for February include:
-- Post and create/try some new recipes!
-- Volunteer more. 
-- Read 3 books.
-- Pay all of my bills and start saving more money!
-- And stick to your fitness goal for the month, which will be Yoga. 

I'm feeling pretty optimistic about February.  Hoping to hear about some more job opportunities on the horizon!  Sorry to be so short and sweet tonight, but it's been a long day.  And a long month.  And on that note, I'm going to say goodnight.  See you next year, January!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Third Sunday in January ALREADY!?

Does anyone else notice that the years go by faster and faster the older you get?  I feel like it was JUST New Year's Eve like last week, and here we are three weeks into January.  Crazy.

I was hoping to make my third blog post more light with a recipe for cake pops, but this week has been crazy!  I didn't actually get them made.  First time they were on my to-do and they got ignored.  Although, I'm not sure anyone would have wanted them this go around anyway, since I've been so God awfully sick!  Meh.  I'm going a little crazy that I haven't been able to work out or run much this week.  I have a 5k next weekend, and I'm pretty sure that the only goal I'll have this time around is to finish!  ...if I even feel well enough to try!

Anyway, I've stumbled upon (in one way or another) a myriad of quotes this week.  Some of which I wanted to share!  A little inspiration for the coming week:

-- If you are depressed, you are living in the past.  If you are anxious, you are living in the future.  If you are at peace, you are living in the present.   Author Unknown

-- Life is like riding a bicycle.  To keep your balance, you must keep moving.  Albert Einstein

--(more so a passage than a quote, but a great view on "perspective") It was a thin, grey rain; hard and fast and cold.  As was my custom in such elements, I hunched against the rain, drew into my collar, turned my eyes to the street, tensed my footsteps, and proceeded in misery.  But my hosts, I soon realized, reacted in quite another way.  They strolled calmly and smoothly, their bodies perfectly relaxed.  They did not hunch away from the rain, but rather glided through it.  They directed their faces to it and did not flinch as it drummed their cheeks.  They almost reveled in it.  Somehow, I found this significant.  They accepted the rain.  They were not at odds with it; they did not deny it or combat it.  They accepted it and went with it in harmony and ease.  I tried it myself.  I relaxed my neck and shoulders and turned my gaze into the wet.  I let it do to me what it would.  Of course, it was not going to do anything to me.  What a silly notion.  It was simply falling as rain, and I, a man, another phenomenon of nature, was sharing the space in which it fell.  It was much better this way.  I got no wetter than I would have otherwise, and if I did not actually enjoy the wetting, at least I was free from the strain.  Tom Robbins

--Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words.  Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior.  Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits.  Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values.  Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.  Mahatma Gandhi

So now that you're all quoted out, I'll explain.  My focus this week is on perspective and carrying yourself to be the best and kindest person you can be. Always.  Life doesn't always work out the way you want it to, but the guarantee is almost that while one area of your life can wane, the other will wax.  I have such an exciting set of career moves ahead of me in the coming weeks that I am certain I should be focusing on myself anyway.  The mantra "come what may" is my strength this week.  Things will happen that are far out of our control.  I encourage all of you to try to "free yourselves from the strain".  The rain is going to fall whether you like it or not.  You might as well find a reason to dance in it!

<3 always.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day Late... Dollar Short

So I've found that I'm not as good at keeping up with my resolutions as I should be.  It's been two weeks and I've still yet to attend a yoga class.  I also skipped church today, which granted, I have two more Sundays in the month to hit my goal for January... But I also know that Chili Cookoff is in the month of January, and I will most likely not be able to attend Church that day.  C'est la vie.  Furthermore, I went more than a week without blogging.  Gah.  Oh well...  At the end of the day/week, as long as I strive to meet my goals, I should feel accomplished.

I've realized though that I really don't have much to write about in my blog.  I'm not a very open person anymore... (Thank you high school and the dramatic outcomes of live-journaling your every thought.)  I feel that it's really none of my readers' business to know exactly what's going on in my life -- but then again isn't that the point of a blog? 

I suppose my biggest struggle this week has been toying with when to be completely honest and open without holding back, and when to reserve yourself.  How do you know who to tell your every thought and whim?  How do you guarantee that you won't get hurt?  For control freaks like me, letting go is a big deal.  And the last time I did that, I ended up devastated.  Over a guy who I barely knew.  So how do I find the right time to trust?  Who do I trust?  And why on earth can't I just be handed a good man to take care of?  God knows I'd be good at it.

I think that for now I try and sort out the job thing and leave the partner for another day, though I can't stop thinking about the last one.  Or overanalyzing how it all went wrong.  People say that it's not me to be that upset about something like this.  That I should be bouncing back and moving along because I have so much to offer.  And while, I'll admit, the guy I'm supposed to be with will probably not pull the shit that this one pulled, I'll also admit, that had you given me a pen and a piece of paper describing my perfect mate, he would have fit it to a T.  I suppose that in all of this, that's what's getting to me.  The one I thought was perfect, didn't find me irresistably perfect too.  And that leaves my fairytale view of love a little deflated.  Can you put more air in a balloon if the knot's already been tied?

Which begs the question -- should I keep looking for a guy that fits my list to a T? Or should I "settle" so to speak, for those that don't fit that list perfectly.  This whole dating process is a mystery to me.  A painful, hilarious, obnoxious ritual that I'm really not all that fond of.  I question how some people regard it as fun.  Oh well.  At least my current streak has been with gentlemen who have grabbed the check -- And I haven't heard the phrase "Maybe you can man me up a bit...". That alone has given me a little more faith in the male species.  Gah.  All I want is a relationship where the guy gets me.  And let's be real -- I'm a woman.  It's not the easiest thing to "get" us.. But I know it's possible.  Work with me here, guys!

In short, I suppose this week's ramblings are a jumble of a mess.  But then again, that's how my life has been these past few days... I'm praying to be a little more concise and cohesive next week.  I'm also planning on making some beautifully dainty cake pops for my Church's Tea Party on Saturday, so hopefully the recipes and some pretty pictures will go up as well.  Have a great week, ya'll.  <3

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Brand New Start

Hello 2012!  Welcome! 

To preface this first post, I would like to explain that in the year 2012, I have 12 goals/resolutions for myself.  Why 12?  Well, there's 12 months in a year, 12 is the abbreviation for the year, and I made a collage of these goals on, and had to have 12 pictures to go around the 13th center title photo.  There really is no rhyme or reason to it.  :-)  Anyway, without further adieu, those goals were: (Obviously not personal ones!)

1. Be more of a morning person.
2. Go on at least 6 adventures this year.
3.  Volunteer 15 hours of your time each month.
4.  Try 3 New Recipes each month.
5.  Send REAL birthday cards.
6.  Make a new fitness goal each month.
7.  Read 25 books this year. 
8.  Blog your thoughts once a week!
9. Try something new each month.
10.  Make it a point to catch up with those who matter.
11. Attend a church you love 3 times per month.
12.  Save $700 per month.

Obviously, I'm getting started on goal number 8.  Granted, I'm hoping once a week is not too lofty of a goal.  And obviously, I would love to be writing more than once a week, but I'm not a natual born blogger like my good friend Ashley... (Her AMAZING blog can be found here: A Recipe for Sanity) Either way, I am hoping this year to share my thoughts, goals, recipes, and all of the other lovely things that a blogger should share. 

Now, onto the contents of my first post.  I saw something on pinterest the other day that became my inspiration to write.  I had thought a lot about what I would blog about this week and realized it was all too soon and too fresh and too personal to put it right out there. 

It was a bound journal book, and on the cover, it had "Peaks, Pits, Praises, and Prayers".  The concept was to write the peak of your day, the pit of your day in a non-complainative way, but with a small bit of hopeful insight, Praises to God (or to whomever) for the blessings you're thankful for, and a Prayer for tomorrow.  While at some point, I may make this journal for me and try to keep up with it through the year, I thought, what a great way to start your blog. 

Thus, my PEAK for this week:  Not texting someone, despite how incredibly much I wanted to.  It was extremely difficult at times because I'm still left lost and confused on how everything happened.  But I stood my ground.  I feel stronger for it.

My PIT for the week:  Not exercising enough.  I haven't been feeding my body well and consequently have been drained of energy.  But my English Muffin toasted with Cream Cheese and Pumpkin butter this morning marks the end of habitual bad eating habits for the month of January and the start of Cleaner Eating!  In fact, I'm going to force myself out for a short jog as soon as I finish this post!

My PRAISE for the week would be to Thank God for the strength he had given me to get over this breakup and to not fall back into the endless traps I had worried about.  Although I don't understand it, I can tell that there was a bigger reason to it.  And I'm so thankful for that. 

Finally, my PRAYER this week is for my mother and uncles.  I pray that my Grandmother's house sells soon -- preferably within the next week.  It has been a rough couple of month and we now need to be able to move on with life. 

So that's it.  Sorry if this blog wasn't what you expected out of me.  :-P  This year my resolutions are more about ME anyway -- 2012 is the year of self-improvement.  I cannot wait to see what's in store!

<3 K