Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Five Ways to Win My Heart!

So I was pinning (imagine that!) on Pinterest tonight and found a whole list of Journaling Prompts.  I thought how fun!  This might encourage me to actually journal a little bit more than once a week and about more than just my random weekly happenings. 

Number 1 on the list was: Five ways to win your heart.  So without further adieu, here are my five.

1.  Be a snazzy dresser.  It sounds silly, but a well dressed man makes me weak in the knees.  Don't get me wrong.  I love that you can rock a pair of faded blue jeans and a tank, but when you show up in your business attire or a button down and your dress jeans.  Good lord.  Take me now, Sailor!

2.  Get the door for me.  Always.  I've known two guys to do this.. (well, maybe three).  But it made such a huge impression on me and I will never settle for a guy who does it any other way.  I've actually had a guy start the car when it was like 20 degrees outside, let it warm up, and then come back inside and get me, walk me back out to the car, and stand there holding the door until I was all tucked in.  That, ladies, is what we like to call true southern manners. 

3.  Pay for the tab.  You don't have to do this ALWAYS, (let's be real, I won't LET you do it always.) but it makes a big impression when you at least reach for it every time.  Especially first few dates. 

4.  Be understanding.  And be a good listener.  But don't be super sensitive. 

5.  Be patient.  Winning my heart takes a long time.  I don't like to let myself fall too hard too fast and I'm not going to jump into anything head first.  But I promise you that with patience and the right amount of thoughtfulness, you'll have earned yourself quite an amazing girl.

:-)  Night.